Home-Places-Forum Shops Fountain of the Gods at Caesars Palace Las Vegas Nevada

Forum Shops Fountain of the Gods at Caesars Palace Las Vegas Nevada

Forum Shops Fountain of the Gods at Caesars Palace Las Vegas Nevada - Rating: Rating:

Forum Shops Fountain of the Gods at Caesars Palace Las Vegas Nevada Description: 
The Fountain of the Gods is a spectacular marble fountain with ancient Roman statues, located on the 'piazza', inside of the luxury shopping mall 'Forum Shops' in Caesars Palace Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada.
The Forum, one of the most popular on-site attractions at Caesar's Palace with world class stores, is a huge covered walkway, designed to look like the ancient streets of Rome, with huge picturesque statues, and even a replica of the Trevi Fountain, which reminds the magnificence of a marketplace at the heyday of the Roman Empire. The ceilings are painted as a sky that changes every hour to simulate day and night, which gives the feeling of being outdoors.
People throw coins for good luck in the Fountain of the Gods at Caesars Palace, which are donating to charity.

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