Начало-Art-Amadeo Modigliani The Zouave

Amadeo Modigliani The Zouave

Amadeo Modigliani The Zouave - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

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Amadeo Modigliani The ZouaveAmadeo Modigliani The Zouave

Amadeo Modigliani The Zouave Описание: 
A fragment from 'The Zouave' (1918, oil on canvas, private collection), a portrait by Amadeo Modigliani, among the paintings of world's leading artists who have created many portraits of Zouaves, volunteers from infantry regiments, which have played a major role in the First World War (1914-1918), known with their strength and panache, especially in an attack.

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